C7: activities galore
Last of the individual workshops – I can’t believe time has flown so fast! No translators, an amalgamation of writing + drawing + drama games, and a visit to Gowry’s house.
Last of the individual workshops – I can’t believe time has flown so fast! No translators, an amalgamation of writing + drawing + drama games, and a visit to Gowry’s house.
Transportation was jinxed this week, but everything sorted itself out in the nick of time in every case. This week, the kids decorated their personal files, played more Fruit Bowl and Dog and the Bone, and were introduced to the Mirror Game.
This week saw the children of Chiraddikulam wielding scissors, pasting paper, and using binder gum to stick wool on their finished products. They got quite creative with how they placed their cut-outs…I was very proud!
This session is full of games – both theatrical and otherwise. A smooth-sailing week full of moments that go right despite the possibility of going wrong, for which I am grateful.
First weekend workshop – Irfadha joins me on my adventures, the children laugh at my antics, and I discover that some of them just might be tweaking their own ages to be a part of the workshop.